What Kind of Yogurt Can Dogs Eat?
We’re going to do a series of posts on different foods for dogs and what kind of yogurt can dogs eat is first up. We hope this post and others will be helpful! If you have any questions about what to feed your dog, you’re always welcome to drop us a line.
We do a lot of background searches on anything that we choose to be part of our eatables. Because there’s a little ambiguity related to things that dogs should consume and things they shouldn’t, we discovered it to be a good opportunity to share our findings on this matter with you.
On hot summer days, what’s more, soothing than a bowl of yogurt with fresh berries sprinkled on it? Not only that it gives a refreshing feeling but also its sweetness level is spot on. Just like anything when your dog watches you eat yogurt it will definitely want to have a taste of it. This blog shed light on whether it is appropriate for your dog to have yogurt or not.
Now comes the big question if dogs can consume yogurt or not. A simple answer to this question is yes. However certain types of yogurts might be more beneficial for dogs than others. In itself, yogurt overall has plenty of health benefits for dogs. However, those loaded with sugar are not a good option.
Given the wide variety of not only flavors but also types of yogurt, it’s important to really understand what’s in yours before you decide whether it’s okay for your dog to have a lick (or two, or three) of your spoon.
Advantages Of Yogurt Consumption For Dogs
Depending on which form of yogurt the dog is consuming it does have plenty of benefits for the pets. Yogurt is loaded with nutritious elements. Its advantages depend upon what is an additional part of it. In this case, calcium and protein both have plenty of health benefits for dogs. Yogurt has both of these elements. For the strength of bones and teeth calcium is a major component. Cellular processes are supported by calcium. It also helps in the quick clotting of blood. If an animal has less consumption of calcium it can suffer from fractures more frequently. Especially in the case of young age dogs issues related to retarded growth are evident.
An important component of a dog’s health is protein. Proteins have amino acids that help in the reformation of tissue to the development of muscles. It is also beneficial for hair growth and skin. It also boasts immunity. These are the reason it is better to pack your pet’s food with proteins.
Yogurt also has probiotics. Probiotics ease the digestion process in dogs. Not only do they support immunity in animals but also harness the growth of bacteria that is dangerous for dogs. Have a look at the variety of nutritious elements that are part of yogurt.
Making Of Yogurt
To understand why yogurt is loaded with nutritional elements it is important to know its making of it. The presence of lactose in yogurt indicates the presence of milk. First of all, it is provided with ample heat and then cooled down. The heating process continues until the proteins in it are denatured.
An important step in the making of yogurt is cooling. One should take care not to cool it to the extent that the microorganisms in it lose activity. To turn the milk into yogurt after the cooling process some types of bacteria are added. After this, it is heated again. After heating, it is placed at a temperature suitable for the bacteria to stay alive and active. This process is done for many hours. This step is called the fermentation process and the more time it takes the more acidic the yogurt will become in taste.
The qualities of the end product i.e yogurt depend a lot on the type of milk selected for its creation. If the quantity of solids is greater in milk then the yogurt will become less runny. For this purpose, some dried milk is made as part of normal liquid milk.
Pasteurized and probiotics are the two types of yogurt available in the market. To make the yogurt safer to consume pasteurization process is performed. It is basically a type of heating treatment. The other type is also pasteurized. However, after heating some addition of bacteria is made to make it safe to be used by humans.
Possible adverse impacts of giving dogs yogurt
No doubt yogurt has a lot of beneficial elements for dogs. Yet it also has some negative effects on the animal. A major point is that yogurt is made of lactose and it is not easily digested by dogs. This is true, especially in the case of adult dogs. This issue also prevails in humans where most people are lactose intolerant. Even people who consume dairy items daily might have some issues and they still might not be aware of this intolerance issue.
This is the main reason why consuming lactose in greater quantity can cause issues related to digestion such as gas, runny stools, and throwing up. However, if consumed in small amounts its adverse effects can be avoided. Therefore there is no need to leave it completely.
It is important to note how much amount your dog is consuming and also if he gets any digestion-related issues. In case you do not see any problem that it is fine to continue the intake. If you notice any gastrointestinal issues better consult a doc.
Dogs who are slightly intolerant can have an ignorable issue but those with high intolerance might suffer from greater issues. These issues include pain in the stomach. Only a doc can tell where your dog lies on the intolerance scale and how much lactose intake is suitable for it.
Xylitol which is an artificial sweetener is not good for dogs. Certain yogurts contain it. Therefore do not forget to check every yogurt product before you give it to your pet.
What to check when purchasing yogurt
Better to avoid yogurt that is flavored and has sweeteners in it. As mentioned before avoiding yogurt that contains xylitol and any yogurt that contains sweeteners in it. Also, avoid yogurt that has flavors that are not good for dogs. Such ingredients also include grapes.
It is better to give plain yogurt to dogs. A good fact about dogs is that most of them love plain yogurt. Greek-style yogurt is also preferred. The reason is that it has less amount of lactose as compared to other types of yogurt.
Comparison Between Greek Style and Other Yogurt
Do you actually know the difference between the two types of yogurt? In case you have tasted both you can definitely give some reply. They differ in terms of density. The greek yogurt is denser than the normal one.
Both yogurts also differ in terms of taste. The greek yogurt has a more tart-like flavor. If you want to compare both it is better to taste the plain flavors of both of them.
The reason is that both types go through different making processes. In the case of Greek yogurt, whey is removed. Whey is actually a liquid substance that is left over after the milk is curdled and then strained. Regular yogurt contains whey. The difference in both types is because of the presence and absence of whey.
Normal plain yogurt is rich in protein. Greek yogurt has three times more protein than the regular one. This is because of the removal of whey. Plain yogurt is richer in calcium.
So as long as you stay away from added sugar both types of yogurt are good for your pets. In case your dog is not choosy we recommend giving it Greek yogurt. The reason is that it is rich in protein and has less amount of lactose.
What kind of yogurt is eatable for dogs?
Generally, the answer to this question is yes. However, it depends upon the type of yogurt. In case of Greek yogurt is plain, can dogs still consume it? Is vanilla yogurt eatable by dogs? Do dogs like strawberry-flavored yogurt? Because of the fact that they both might contain lots of added sugar the answer is no. Even if your dog is lactose intolerant it should also not consume plain regular yogurt.
You can also make your own flavored yogurt for your dog instead of buying it. Adding strawberries or blueberries to plain yogurt can make it a good flavored yogurt option for dogs.
Both these fresh fruits can be either sprinkled or diced with yogurt. To make it a refreshing smoothie some ice can be added as well. They can also be frozen in an ice cube tray to make them a delicacy for your pet. Not only crunchy but these treats are also yummy in taste.
Without any sugar addition, yogurt and fresh fruits are a wonderful combination. Especially on sunny days in summer. To check if your dog doesn’t have any digestion-related issues with yogurt it is better to give them a small amount first. These digestive issues include runny stools, gas, or pain in the stomach.
As long as you don’t add any sugar or other problematic ingredients, yogurt and fruit are awesome. This is especially on a sunny summer day. Either way, it’s best to start with small amounts of yogurt and monitor your dog for digestive issues. These being gas or diarrhea, to make sure that you’re not causing your pup any discomfort.