Can Dogs Eat Dried Mango? Facts About Mangoes!
We always try to include more fruits and veggies into our daily diets to stay healthy. Are fruits and veggies healthy for our dogs too? Are all fruits and veggies safe for dogs to eat? The answer is obviously no. But how about dried mango? Can dogs eat dried mango?
Mangoes are undeniably delicious. So, can you share the sweetness with your canine companion? Mangoes also have a lot of nutrition.
However, they’re also high in terms of sugars. Sugar and other nutrients in mangoes are good for boosting your energy. Does that mean that dogs can eat dried mango? Let’s find the answer below!
Safety: Can Dogs Eat Dried Mango?
Is it OK to feed dried mangoes to your dog? Yes, canines can eat dried mangoes because they are non-toxic. Make sure you only feed the fruit’s mushy, soft meat. Meaning stays away from the peel and pit.
Feeding your pet with fruit pits and seeds is dangerous because they have the potential to become trapped in the throat and cause choking. Consuming fruit pits and seeds also causes intestinal obstruction.
Mango peel, on the other hand, increases the likelihood of intestinal blockage.
Moderation is Important
Now you may finally stop wondering if dogs can eat dried mango. But just because your dog can eat dry mango, it doesn’t mean you should feed them a lot of it. Feeding your dog fruits also comes with precautions.
Other fruits such as carrots, apples, strawberries, sweet potatoes, or pumpkins are more appropriate as healthy treats for your dog. Even fresh mangoes are better for dogs than dried mangoes. Those fruits are safer and healthier for your dogs.
Are Mangoes a Good Fruit for Dogs?
Dried mangoes are generally safe to feed to your pet. Furthermore, the mango has numerous health benefits. However, this is only if mangoes are fed in moderation.
Dried mangoes contain a lot of sugar. When your dog consumes a lot of dried mango, they also consume a high amount of sugar. And too much sugar is harmful to dogs. Sugar in larger doses causes vomiting and diarrhea. While these are simply temporary health issues, long-term consequences of overeating sugar include diabetes, weight gain, and pancreatitis.
It is safe to feed our dogs mango slices as a treat once a week. Just make sure to cut the mango into tiny pieces. Chewing and swallowing larger portions is challenging for a dog. And choking hazards are fairly common in dogs, no matter how big and what breed your dog is. And it is always better to be cautious than sorry.
Some Fruits Are Better Than Others
Veterinarians advise giving dried mango much less frequently. So, can dogs eat dried mango? Yes but occasionally. If you’re unsure about this, consult your veterinarian before making a decision. Your dog’s health is so important that you don’t want to make a bad decision about their daily diet.
Also, you should notice that dried mango is made for humans. As a result, the likelihood of this treat carrying extra sugar is greater. As a result, it will taste even better and more candy-like. If you wonder if your dog can eat this dried mango type, the answer is NO.
Dried mangoes may also contain xylitol and a lot of sugar. It’s an artificial sweetener that’s harmful to dogs. If you want to feed your dog dried mangoes, choose the all-natural ones that contain no added sugar. Also, ensure that there are no possibly dangerous or harmful additives or flavorings.
Mango Health Benefits
Vitamins C and A are abundant in mangoes. And these vitamins are beneficial to the immune system of your dog when given in small doses. This is why you should only take modest amounts. A dog’s body can only withstand a small amount of Vitamin A.
However, if getting additional Vitamin A into your dog’s diet is a top goal, choose safer options such as sweet potatoes and carrots. Mango is not a good option as the main source of Vitamin A for your dogs.
Similarly, your dog should take vitamin C in small doses. Too much Vitamin C intake can make your dog sick. But it can also pass through the dog’s digestive system without causing problems. Still, avoiding the risk is always better.
Mango is also high in fiber. Fiber promotes good digestion only when fed in precise, controlled doses. That is, too much fiber may have the opposite effect. It can result in diarrhea or vomiting.
In general, dried fruits like dried mango or dried cranberries might not be poisonous to your dog. However, this does not imply that they are healthy. These dried fruits contain a lot of sugar. As a result, it’s best to avoid them entirely.
While dried mango is not toxic to dogs, there are many safer and healthier alternatives.
I understand how difficult it is to refuse your dog’s constant requests for a tasty treat. But you should know better as a responsible, caring, and reasonable pet parent.
Choose ripe mango instead of dried mango as a treat. And simply feed the flesh without the peel or pit. Your dog will undoubtedly like the extra wonderful taste of ripe mango. Furthermore, it is a healthier option than dried mango. Clean it, peel it, and cut it into small pieces.
But keep in mind that mangoes have lots of sugar. So restrict your consumption to a bare minimum. Feed once a week, at most. You don’t want diabetes to strike your furry friend. A lot of sugar can also lead to weight gain.
Whatever fruit or vegetable you choose, remember that moderation is essential.