4 Common Pitbull Paw Problems and Treatment
Whether your dog is running around or playing with something, their paw comes into contact with a lot of stuff. So, it is prone to a lot of different problems.
Some common Pitbull paw problems are itchiness, infections, ingrown or torn nails, blisters, and cracked paw pads. These problems have both internal and external sources of origin.

Pitbull Paw Problems and Treatments
The curious nature of pit bulls is a very big reason behind them developing different paw problems. They run around and paw at everything they see.
Here are some common Pitbull paw problems:
1. Allergies & Infections
Pets suffering from allergies will feel itchiness in their paws. They will constantly try to lick and chew on their paw to alleviate the itchiness.
This excessive licking makes the paw more susceptible to secondary fungal and bacterial infections. Their paws swell up and there should be visible redness around the paw pads.
Allergies itching can even go to extreme levels where they itch and tear off their skin so do not neglect any symptoms.
Treatment for allergies is immunotherapy. You can also get allergy shots from the vet to relieve the symptoms. In making a pit bull’s diet you should never include these foods that they are allergic to:
- Corn Meal
- Ground Whole Grain Sorghum
- Dried Beet Pulp
- Dried Egg Product
- Ground Whole Grain Barley
Avoid feeding anything related to corn or grain and keep them on a raw diet or high-quality kibble.
You can read about Pit Bull not eating but drinking water.
Diagnosing an infection will require a vet’s observation and they will suggest topical creams, wipes, or washes treat these infections.
2. Parasyte Infestations (PodoDermatitis)
Pit bulls can pick up parasites like fleas, ticks, or hookworms through skin contact. These blood-sucking menaces latch onto the fur and skin of the dog and find their way between toes and paw pads.
These parasites cause redness and inflammation under the paw and slowly reproduce. If not treated promptly these can even harm children and other dogs that they play with.
Prevention is the best way to get rid of parasites. A well-maintained environment will reduce parasite build-up and get rid of half the problems on its own. Get a Seresto flea collar for your dog.
Regularly brush the fur and get rid of any fleas or ticks they may have picked up. Their bedding is a breeding ground for parasites. Regularly wash it so it stays hygienic.
It’s important to consult a vet before applying medicine like Panacur or Nemex which are effective against these parasites. There are also oral treatment options like Nexgard and Simparica.
3. Ingrown & Torn Nails
Pit bulls have fast-growing nails. When these nails become too long, they start curling and digging into the soft pad of their paws. That’s what’s called ingrown nails.
Pit bulls are quite the active bunch. While playing or running around, they might break or split their nails. This is very painful for them and they start to limp.
The affected part of the paw will develop swelling and your dog will winch if you touch it. You might even see blood in case of a torn toenail.
The best way to prevent this from happening is to frequently trim their nails. This will keep the nails from overgrowing to the point where it might break.
You should invest in a nail grinder and trimmer for your furry friend. Check prices here.
If you notice an ingrown nail, do not trim it yourself unless you know what you are doing. Get a professional groomer or a vet to get it trimmed.
In cases of a torn nail, clean the area with mild antiseptic and cover it up with a bandage or a dog boot.
4. Foot Pad Burns, Cracks
Pit bulls’ paws might get burned from hot surfaces or sand. These burns cause intense pain for them.
They will start to get stressed out and even develop breathing problems. Read about Pitbull breathing problems.
A Pitbull’s active nature causes a lot of problems for them. Exposure to rough terrain and walks during cold weather causes their paw pads to crack.
Friction and pressure on the paw pads can lead to thick painful lumps called pad corns. Corns become a serious issue when the lump keeps getting bigger.
Paw balms are a very handy remedy for burns. Get a Healthy Breeds paw balm, as these are the best in the market.
Use a self-cooling mat where your dog can relax if they have a burned or cracked paw. Coconut oil is a natural remedy for cracked paw pads. Make sure to rub it thoroughly.
Use moisturizing creams to hydrate the cracked parts of the paw. In the case of pad corn, they will have to be removed. Afterward, keep an eye out for further development.
Carpal Hyper Extension Pitbull Paw Problems and the Treatment
This is a condition where the wrist extends to an unusual length. This is also known as knuckling. The front leg paw becomes longer and flatter.
Usually, this is a development problem with the ligaments from sprain injury or overexertion. But this problem is also seen in aging dogs because of joint degeneration.
This is what carpal hyperextension looks like:

It can be treated with supportive splints or bandaging which keeps the joint stable. Hydro or physiotherapy is also very helpful in fixing the joint.
Your companion will need ample rest from strenuous activities. Some exercises help strengthen the leg muscles and also deter ligament tearing.
If things are really bad, vets might suggest surgical treatments to get rid of the issue.
Maintain your Dog’s Hygiene for Healthy Skin and Paw
Paw pads provide insulation for a dog’s feet and act as shock absorbers for the bones and joints. The pads are durable and designed to withstand a lot of activity.
Skin hygiene is essential for a puppy’s overall well-being. Follow these hygiene tips to prevent Pitbull paw problems:
- Pit bulls have short fur and natural oil in their skin. Don’t bathe your dog too frequently. Maintain a schedule of once every month or every two months.
- Check their paws after walks. Remove any debris stuck between their toe and apply moisturizer to keep the paws hydrated.
- Make sure to keep them on a well-balanced diet. Identify food that your little guy is allergic to early on and avoid feeding these.
- Trim and grind their nails once every 3-4 weeks. Watch this video on how to clip a pit bull’s nails.
Pitbull Paw Problems – (FAQs)
How to treat inflamed dog paws of unknown origin?
If you don’t know what’s causing the inflammation, soak your dog’s foot in water and a mix of 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt. Soak it for at least 15 minutes for the best results.
Does a dog’s paw heal on its own?
Minor cuts and bruises will eventually heal. Deeper cuts, infections, or pad corns usually warrant some medication.
What are some natural remedies for Pitbull paw problems?
You can use all-natural paw balms, Argan oil, Shea butter, and Beeswax. These are natural remedies and don’t have any side effects on your pit bull’s skin.